Welcome to Nighstalker Army
Hey people of the American land! This is going to be a new Destiny Clan, contact "bosox006"(me) if you would like to be recruited into the clan. bosox006 is my gamertag, and this clan is an X-Box1 clan, PS4 players will be able to join our clan. The clans name is obviously called "Nightstalker Army", but you do not need to be a Nighstalker to join the clan, any class is fine. Another requirement is 350 light +, and level 40. Players who want to join and can't join because one of my requirements, talk to me to see if I can make any arrangements. On weekends are clan will go in groups of 3 to do Trials of Osiris, I will tell all of the clan members the glitch spots of the week. Another comment on trials, there is a way to get an exotic every flawless trials, and all members of Nighstalker Army will learn how. A couple of other ways you could contact me is through going to www.bungie.net and posting a comment on my clan or group (both Nighstalker Army), or going to neocities.org, and following my page and leaving a comment.
If you did not find this website useful, please keep in mind that it did take some time and effort, so tell a friend who might be looking for a clan about Nighstalker Army. This website is being updated everyday with the newest content about our clan, another way to check on the clan is by going to www.bungie.net and searching for the group Nighstalker Army, and then joining our clan Nighstalker Army. This clan might seem basic, but this clan WILL grow. I have already gotten 4 request to join our clan, and they were decent 360 light players, they have not officialy joined the clan yet, but will soon. I really want to encourage you to join Nighstalker Army, so please check it out sometime. If you would like to help me out, please just try to spread the word about our clan. Also, even if your not looking for clans at the moment, just keep in mind that Nighstalker Army is always open.
Wow, the dawning event is here, and so is sparrow racing. Want to get the "Lysander's Cry" sparrow for free? Check out my video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlV6dmyGPQg .For some reason it wouldn't let me put the link in, so just copy and paste that URL. Moving on, want to knoe how to get new dawning event weopons like the ice breaker? Join my clan to get all of the information, I have it myself, and its amazing. Now, the Dawning event has very many rewards in the "Treasures of the Dawning" packages, but nobody wants to pay for them right? Well there is a way to get a total of 7 Treasures of the Dawning gifts FOR FREE! You might be wondering by now how I know all of the secrets to Destiny, and you will only know if you join my clan!
How many of you don't know how to level up your light fast and have no idea? Well since this website is growing more and more by the day, we already have 1.7k views, which is amazing, so I will let you guys in on some Destiny secrets. Currently while the dawning event is still active, the best way to level up is simply by doing Rise of Iron Strikes! If you don't have Rise of Iron, the next best way is to just do Crucible! Both of these methods will give you gear up to 400 light. Also I can do the Wrath of the Machine Raid solo and I have people who can prove it, I have gotten a 2 exotics from the chest including Twilight Garrison, and the Suros Regime! If you join the clan I will show you how to do it, or I can just glitch through the map and get you to the chest. Another way I can help you with that is to go to www.bungie.net and joining my group or clan, giving me your gamertag, follow me, and then I will do the raid with you!
My clan Nighstalker Army will be having recruitments starting today, if you are insterested, send a message to my X-Box gamertag "bosox006", or go to www.bungie.net and join my group and message me there to get information on recruitments. Recruitments for today (12/20) will start at 4:30 or 5:00 (Pacific Time) with my good friend. He would join the clan but he has a PS4(#NoLife). Remember, contact my gamer tag for information and/or recruitments.
To be honest with the people who have viewed my website, I have gotten no requests to join my clan Nighstalker Army, which is a bummer.If you don't have Destiny and you view this site, I really hope you know that Destiny is great game to play with your friends, if you don't have any friends who play Destiny its still fun, just not as much fun. You can buy Destiny with the Rise of Iron expansion pack for $50, which is a great deal.If you have any questions please send a message to my gamertag thanks. -bosox006